Praccies practising their physical examination skills in clinic means they are building awesome treatment plans, picking up on red flags and building amazing bonds with their patients.This means a fantastic outcome for our people - which is we all want right?

If you haven’t already, grab the free Cheatsheet to make physical examination easy in your clinic!

Spend a little time watching these videos - and importantly - go back into clinic and DO IT!

The magical 'Secondary' Data you gather with your Physical Exam (that is a gamechanger)

We gather primary data.

Data that can measured and we can all look at the same.

Numbers on a page, info on a computer.

Then there is something else that happens when we are doing our physical exams - there is a moment where your client will reveal something about themselves, or how they feel about things that will be game-changer for your treatment plan and client/praccie relationship.

You don’t want to miss this!

 Thyroid Auscultation - What are we listening for?!

We have done our general inspection of the thyroid, as well as palpation. 

We have detected enlargement - EEK!

Now we listen for 'Bruit', but hang on...there are other sounds too!

How confusing!

Lets clear this up :)

What Equipment do I need for My Physical Examinations?!

It can be a bit baffling thinking what equipment is needed, what brand, what to spend and where to start.

Lets nut it out, as its often NOT what you think is the best!

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