Hey Praccie! 

I know ALL the things you think about physical examination...

'I don't know where to start?'

'I only did one subject and I can't remember what to do!'

'I'll stuff it up and look like an idiot in front of my client!'

I also know that you worry that you aren't doing it - and missing important red flags

Physical exam in clinical practice

Would you like to:

  • Be confident in your physical examination skills in your practice? 

  • Identify red flags? 

  • Create referral partnerships?

  • Get better clinical outcomes? 

  • Build rapport with your patient?

  • Increase word of mouth?

There is another way....

Physical examination skills are a vital part of looking at our patients holistically. However, it is often one of the smallest modules when we do our training or it was so long ago we can' even remember it.

Have you ever found yourself in a consultation and either checking only a few things or skipping over it altogether, leaving us without the whole picture of our patients health.

You wouldn't only look at half of their test results, so why would you only look at part of their physical examination?

Abdominal physical examination


Rocking up to clinic feeling inspired and confident to put your new skills into ACTION?  

The feeling when your patient thanks you for taking the time to thoroughly check them out? Or the influx of new patients because THAT patient has referred their friends to YOU.  

Not needing to skip over that physical examination because you felt you would muck it up? (we have all been there)  

Creating new referral partnerships with other modalities because you can confidently ID red flags and communicate clearly  

How does a weekend of learning, connecting and leaving with an actionable plan sound?

So Whats On Offer

NATEX physical examination session

Two interactive days - 

Jam packed with learning, fun, connection and time to practice techniques in a supportive learning environment

PLUS: Cheatsheet, Tables, Graphics and LOADS of other Resources to Make Physical Exam a Doddle in Your Practice


Dates And Locations

australia and new zealand locations

12 CPE points accrued towards your yearly requirement.

What can I expect

  • Support and guidance across two days as you become confident in physical examination skills 

  • Confidence to implement these skills straight away in clinic!  

  • Easy to understand explanation and demonstrations of techniques 

  • To be nourished at a cellular level by foods, and drinks, praccies like you enjoy! 

  • Practice time - have your questions answered and quickly 'tweak' things to work for you 

  • Confusion and stress remove - what physical examination to do when the client is in front of you...and when 

  • To create relationships with other praccies that live in close proximity to you

  • 12 CPE points! Yes - 12!!!! You are nearly done then:)

2 Day Interactive Workshop - deep dive into physical examination skills, time to practice, relax and network

Comprehensive Workbook - all workshop notes, forms and cheat sheets - easy to understand, packaged up, ready to use in your clinic, no need to rifle through chunky textbooks!

Lunch, snacks, tea and coffee - grab the chance to nourish yourself and keep the grey matter working!Goodie Bag - full of equipment that you can use back in clinic

Small Group Setting - a chance to learn and practice together, without getting lost

Your Closest City - Chill! I'm coming to you

Networking, Bubbly and canapés - relax at the end of the workshop, have a bite to eat, a glass of something refreshing and start building connections with other praccies (or just spend a little extra time picking my brain or practicing)

Lucky Door Prize - a FULL physical examination kit is to be given away at each workshop - given the small numbers, this could easily be you!

If you tried this on your own, it would cost $1000's at a college, and months to complete...

Certificate of Completion Given at the End of the Weekend

What Do The Workshops Look Like?

Now we get into the fun stuff!  

Day #1*:

9:00AM - Registration Opens - grab a cuppa and a seat  

9:30AM - Workshop commences: - Importance of physical examination - Vitals: - BP/assess for hypotension/hypertension, Respir. Rate (norm/abnorm), Pulse (norm/abnorm), Temp (different locations, norm/abnorm, what to do next)  

11:00AM - Morning Tea (provided)  

11:15AM - Workshop: recommences: - Abdominal – inspection, auscultation, palpation – abdo, liver, spleen, discuss red flags

 1:15PM - Lunch Break (provided)  

2:00PM - Workshop recommences: - Nails, tongue, hair, eyes, skin – dysfx, possible meaning  

4:30PM End of day#1!    

Day #2*: 

9:00AM - Workshop commences: - Neurological assessment - Mental state assessment  

11:00AM - Morning Tea (provided)  

11:15AM - Workshop: recommences: - Respiratory system assessment - Pain assessment  

1:15PM - Lunch Break (provided)  

2:00PM - Workshop recommences: - Assessment of the Head – ear, thyroid, lymph  

3:00PM - Official end of seminar – bubbly/non alcoholic drink, canapés and networking/practice time!  

4:00PM - Depart conference room

I want this to be a no brainer for you and your practice

Numbers are capped for optimal learning opportunities, so don't miss out...


  • Help! I REALLY want to come, but I'm short of money after xmas?  

All good! Don't forget the payment plan options - paying in instalments means you still lock in the early bird pricing, but space out the payments.

  • How are you qualified to teach us this Katie?  

I have tutored the physical examination subject for Endeavour College for the past 4 years and can talk about this subject all day long!  

I am also a practising naturopath like you!  

  • How long do to the days go for?  

Great question! Saturday will be a longer day - starting at 9am and finishing up around 5pm.  

Sunday will be from 9am until about 4pm.  

  • Why would I spend the time and money to do this and not just watch you tube videos?  

The same reason we tell our patients not to turn into 'Dr Google' - the possibility of bogus info, wasting your time (which is money... and you can't practice on you tube!  

  • Where is the workshop going to be held?  

TBC - but I can tell you that all workshops will be held in the CBD (you will receive all the details closer to the time)  

  • Where can I find accommodation?  

I love airbnb and also booking.com  

There will be plenty of notice given for the workshop location, so accommodation will be easy to find  

(I have also made sure that the workshops are not held during peak or school holidays - keeping cost down of any accommodaion you need find).  

  • When I receive my ticket?  

Tickets will be issues when full payment has been received - either upon upfront payment, or after the last instalment.  

  • When will I receive my workbook?  

Workbooks will be issued as a hardcopy on the day, and you will also received a PDF of the notes, and al resources - don't worry, you won't be leaving empty handed!

Register your interest now