How I was recently reminded of the saying 'energy goes where attention flows' (AND I'm officially turning into my mother)

Cold and Flu Season is Upon Us!

Last week, in a classic 'energy flows where attention goes' soon as I finished writing notes and filming this short video (below), I got a message from my daughter, from camp that she needed to be picked up.
She was sick.
She had been on camp for 4 hours.
I now had to drive a 3.5 hour round trip to pick her up.
I had spent $350 on the camp and, can you believe it (actually I'm sure you can), another $450 on other things she needed for it.

So off I went.

The next three days were all about chicken soup, aloe vera tissues, reminding a kid to 'put something on your feet!' and 'keep your fluids up!' (Im turning into my mother), juggling work commitments and trying to not get sick myself.

My husband got home from working away for a few days and I felt pretty burnt out to be honest.

It got me thinking about how when we support people through cold and flu season, we need to also be mindful of 'caring for the carer'.

It takes alot of energy to hold space for someone when they are sick...

The last few years have changed the way we view immunity, colds/flu and acute infection....and its pretty safe to say that people in general are pretty burnt out!

Food for thought as we head into this colder season.

Of course, all of that being said, when we are consulting it is always important to address the presenting complaint - that is what the patient has come to you for.

In this video, I discuss SOME (because, lets face it, the conversation can be endless) of the characteristics of a cough to look out for.
Yes, as a natural health practitioners, we don't diagnosis, but being able to differentiate between different types of presentations is incredibly important for tailoring a great treatment protocol.
For all the herbalist out there, we know that we will use very different herbs for a productive cough compared to a non-productive!.

Looking to Learning More to Support Your Clinical Practice this Cold and Flu Season?

The upcoming 'Physical exams for cold and flu season' webinar is for you!
(and everyone actually).

Webinar - 'Physical examination during cold and flu season' - $27 - 60mins:

  • Discuss common signs and symptoms that present in cold and flu season

  • Hygiene practices to keep yourself, and your patient, safe

  • Review important anatomy and physiology of the relevant body systems

  • Deep dive into the important physical exams to use with these presentations

  • Discussion of the important red flags and what you will do about them

  • You will get the chance to think about which physical examinations are vital for your own practice and how you can implement them easily


DECIDING to be open to a different conversation...