What happens when you come to see me as your naturopath…

Okay, so somewhere along the line you've seen me or you've heard about me, you have connected with me and you have been interested in my ideas and the way I work... and felt that I can help you. 

SO here you are! 
You're probably feeling a bit nervous. 
You're wondering what this is going to be all about. 

Once you have made your booking, you can rest assured that you will receive all of your booking reminders. 
And on the day of the initial consultation, you will turn up, click start and you will see me online in that initial consultation. 

In this initial consultation, we will go through in depth for about an hour, what is going on for you. 
We will discuss your presenting complaint, the reason why you made the appointment in the first place. 
We will go through your health history,  because remember your health history  is an accumulation of your life. 
It's an accumulation of the things that you've done to yourself, things that have happened to you, the choices you've made,  that will all contribute to where you're at now and how you're feeling now. 
We'll run through body systems. 
We'll run through your diet history. We'll run through your diet now.
 We'll talk about all of the things relevant to you, your life. 
What you want to get out of this health journey together.
For alot of women, this is the first time, in a long time, that it is all about them, that the focus is on them, they get to solely focus on their own needs. 
THIS is when the healing starts. 

 I promise you that working with me is a journey together. 
I will really hold your hand.
 I want you to know that no conversation is off limits,  no judgment has ever passed. 
I will advocate for you hard. 

So after that initial consultation, you will leave that telehealth room feeling inspired. 

I want you to feel educated about what's going to be happening next. 
I want you to feel a little bit in control about what's going on now. 
I want you to feel like you're excited because you know that things can change. 

On a practical note, after the initial consultation, you will be receiving your treatment plan from me. 

You will be receiving a link to buy your prescription,  and you will have a really clear idea of what you need to do in terms of maybe sleep or lifestyle or movement. 

Your treatment plan  will be carefully crafted together so that you know that it's going to fit in with your lifestyle with your time or lack of and what's going on for you, including budget. 

Your first follow up…that might be two weeks later.

 It might be one meal a week later, it might be three or four weeks later. 

Again, this whole process this whole journey is tailored to you and what you need. 

In that follow up we'll review where you're at. 

We'll talk about any sort of frustrations or grievances, including any barriers stopping you from doing the things that you wanted to do, and achieving the things that you wanted to achieve since your initial. 

We'll cover anything that we may have missed from your follow up. 

I'm also here to answer questions for you. 

I encourage you to make notes of your questions that you have for me because I love them. 

I love educating people about their health and what and how certain things will relate to them as an individual. 

We will also track any progress as well that you've made since your initial, because it's going to be so important to you and your health journey. 

We really quickly reset our new normal and when we do that we really quickly forget how far we've come and even some of the little changes that we've made. 

That might be people that often tell me in that first sort of few weeks so they have a major reduction in stress and anxiety. 

They feel like they're handling the little things that come their way a bit better. 

Sleep is another thing that tends to improve quite quickly. 

Things like bloating is another thing that can change quite quickly as well. 

After that first follow up, we will have more of an idea of how long we need to wait for the next consultation, and book that in. 

As mentioned, this is YOUR health, YOUR journey - what you need will be different to Jane down the road. 

I am here to tailor this health journey for you, so that you can get on the road to feeling your best. 

I can’t wait to work with you…


Ahhhhhhhh, coffee….