Ahhhhhhhh, coffee….

 Ah, coffee. Okay, so this is such a cracker. One of the biggest things that patients ask me about and have this full on expectation about is that immediately if they're working with me that I'm going to say, You have to stop drinking coffee. That's it. No coffee for you.

And speaking with my naturopath friends, it's something that they encounter too, which is funny because I love coffee and heaps of my naturopath friends love coffee as well. Okay the answer to that question is Not necessarily. Okay, for some people who are in a really depleted state, who are so far down a spectrum of adrenal fatigue, or have some other stuff going on that is quite serious, then for sure.

And if they are doing some sort of detox, or they need to do some sort of detox for, health reasons, then that's a great idea for for them as well. And for the people that are, once we've identified that you are literally living off coffee through the day as your energy source, then for sure we will dial that back in such a way that it won't be super painful.

But I wanted to share, so I love coffee and I wanted to share something with you where that can be really easy and it can take your morning coffee from being this cortisol enhancing blood sugar spiking crazy sort of situation to something that can be quite nourishing.

Because the thing is that good quality coffee has got a number of epic antioxidants that Can be really beneficial for you. So that's my story and I'm sticking to it. So I'm going to show you what I do I make my coffee. And in I usually make a plunger and I use good quality

Filter like the plunger French press I think you call it and I use good quality And then what I do is I'll use some sort of milk, like I'll use a almond milk often, which will be just almond. It's called the brand and it's literally like very watery almond milk, but it doesn't have all the gross fillers and vegetable oils and rubbish like that.

And then. Now we get into the fun stuff. So then I'll put something like your PHGG, which is your partially hydrogylized I'm so bad at saying that, but stick with me. Gua Gum. Now this is a soluble fiber, which soluble meaning that it dissolves in liquid. Now, as with all fibers, fiber is incredible for your gut.

And if you look at this guy here, it is very, it's like snow. It's and all you want to be doing is when you first start off, you probably want to use about, About half a teaspoon. And I'll usually have a teaspoon of that. Dissolves into the coffee before you put the milk in. Dissolves completely, you, it's completely flavourless.

So you don't taste anything when you put this guy in. And PHGG, as I said, is a soluble fiber. What that does, it's so incredible for your gut. It is incredible for, it's not a probiotic, so it's not a strand of bacteria, but it's there to help nourish the gut and to help the good bacteria strains grow.

in the amounts that you want it to. It also will help with laxation. So it will help with making sure that you are moving your bowels properly because most people aren't. But maybe I'll do another video on that. So that is what I use and in my coffee, the next thing that I use, I don't have any sweetness.

But the next thing that I use is Collagen Beauty. So this is the Nutra Organics brand. Love them. They're a fun little business that are actually a local business near where I live. So I really like to support them too. So they've got a really great range, but this one in particular, it's got it's unflavored again.

So you can put it. into your coffee and it won't taste like crap. And it won't be like this weird, like, why am I trying to make a pineapple flavored coffee? No. Collagen. We start losing our collagen production after the age of about 25, some say 30, some say 25. And collagen is incredibly important.

I know it's collagen beauty, yay. But collagen is incredibly important for, again, the gut and healing the gut mucosa and the gut wall. But it's also incredibly important for joint mobility and keeping us moving. Structurally, so yes yes, it does have some vitamin C in it. Yeah, cool. Not a hugely therapeutic dose of vitamin C.

I'm not taking it for the vitamin C. I'm taking it for that big whack of collagen. Now, collagen is not a complete protein. It does have a number of the amino acids. So it's nearly there, but it's not there. So please be aware that when you are taking collagen, you shouldn't be relying on it solely for your protein intake.

But you are getting a 11 gram hit of Protein in your coffee and I know a lot of people like to put protein powders and things like that in their coffees in the morning. And if you'd like to do that's cool. Protein powder again, probably a whole other video, but I don't, I find it makes it thick and gluggy and just a bit gross.

But these two guys are for my morning coffee. I cannot taste them. I'm getting some great fiber and I'm getting some great collagen and I'm drinking my coffee and I don't even know the other stuff is in it. Yeah, so this is like my principle with stuff. It's how can we take what we're doing and modify it, tweak it, change it if we need to.

But, It's not all about taking things off you, it's about working so that you can feel good. So when, again why I'm going to regulate my blood sugar levels. I'm not going to have a huge spike of cortisol because I've got some protein, I've got some fiber in there, and I'm ready to rock and roll.

If you have any questions for me about that please let me know. I love talking as you can tell. All right. Have a great day. Bye.


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