Irregular Pulse, what does it all mean?

In this video, I discuss different irregularities in the radial pulse, and what they could indicate…

Taking pulse is quick and easy in your face to face consultation, and an empowering tool to teach your online patient.

As a natural health practitioner, checking the radial pulse can provide valuable information about the overall health and wellness of your client.

Some of the things we can consider are…

  • Rhythm: the rhythm of the pulse should be regular. If the rhythm is irregular, this MAY indicate health concerns.

  • Rate: The pulse rate can provide important information about the overall health and fitness of the client. A resting heart rate that is consistently above or below the normal range may indicate an underlying medical condition or an issue with cardiovascular fitness.

  • Symmetry: As mentioned before, it's important to check for symmetry between the radial pulses on both sides of the body. Any significant differences in strength or rhythm between the two pulses may indicate an underlying health issue.

  • Quality: The quality of the pulse can provide additional information about the client's overall health and wellbeing. For example, a pulse that feels thin or weak may indicate anemia or poor circulation, while a pulse that feels bounding or strong may indicate hypertension or another cardiovascular issue.

As usual, knowing what is normal gives you an opportunity to know when something isn’t - this doesn’t mean we diagnosis, or have to pinpoint the exact issue.

It is about feeling confident to refer for further investigation.

You patient will love you for going the extra mile!

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